Monday, November 24, 2008


一个营会。5 个导师。10 位义工。55个营友。








谢谢义工默默地为luzhou付出, 谢谢你们的脑,你们的体力,你们的一切。


Sunday, November 23, 2008




在LIMBO ROCK时领受你们的野蛮与好胜心







用圣经的话 与你们共勉之





Sunday, November 2, 2008

runaway from dubai

i have been asked many times why i left despite the good pay and the luxurious lifestyle that i can 'afford' to indulge in. It is really to explain it, especially when one value culture and lifestyle more that money....i bumped into a friends blog which pen down his view on living in dubai which reflect my perception of dubai as well...

Writer-Saeed Omar

11 May 2008

in vogue

I just want to break away with everything now. the more i live in Dubai the more i am disgusted with its residents. materialistic vultures who roam around the city thinking they have it all. i just need a break from all of this. seriously!

i feel like i need to escape to a jungle somewhere and build me a hut to live in for a couple of years. it would be better than this concrete jungle. i fear that the mental and spiritual damage that i have endured by the Dubaians have stained my heart and soul forever.

there is this deviation from our culture and habits. how on earth is it possible that in one generation we as Palestenians, Lebanese and all Arabs in general, who largely make up the Dubai Arab expatriate population, degenrate into a full fledged liberal, flamboyant, insensitive and materialistic people. our fathers and grandfathers would have never dreamt such a change! what a divorse in habits, and a discourse with everything that is us! even the European and Indian expatriates of Dubai are similiarily selfish and envious. there is something very wrong going on...

there must be a psychopath diagnosis term to describe these symptoms. because almost everybody is affected by it.

i dont know what is the norm by which i should compare ppl. i dont know what is a healthy society anyhow, or how it looks like. what i know is that it hurts having to cope with the strange human behaviour everyday and having to witness this sad detachmenet from human nature for the sake of money. it really is frustrating and sadening to see most ppl trapped by global merchandise and brands, to see ppl occupied with trivial mind-entertaining news!

everybody loves madonna, everyone makes it a point to u that they have got the latest xbox stuff and games, everybody is a fan of this dance club and that DJ and this rock genre, everyone is a slave for a different certain clothes brand, and some would kill for a foreign football club playing in a distant foreign country, eveything envogue is to die for, and everything old is ridiculed even if it was natural or convenient... the rationale is either be the flavor of the month or perish...

the worst side to all of this, is the fact that eveybody complains about the same thing! maybe because it seems like fashionable conversation!
